Accommodation Style Of Conflict Management

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Grin & Bear It The Style Of Conflict Management Just from


Conflicts are an inevitable part of our lives, whether it’s at work, in relationships, or within our families. However, how we choose to handle these conflicts can greatly impact the outcome and the relationships involved. One style of conflict management is accommodation, where one party chooses to prioritize the needs and desires of the other party over their own. In this article, we will explore the accommodation style of conflict management and its effectiveness in various situations.

Understanding Accommodation

Accommodation is a conflict management style where individuals yield or give in to the demands or preferences of others. It involves putting the needs of others before one’s own and sacrificing personal goals or desires for the sake of maintaining harmony or preserving relationships. This approach can be seen as cooperative and empathetic, as it prioritizes the well-being of others.

When is Accommodation Appropriate?

Accommodation can be a suitable conflict management style in certain situations. For example, when the issue at hand is of low importance to you, and you value the relationship more than the outcome, accommodation can help maintain harmony and avoid unnecessary conflicts. It can also be effective when you are dealing with a person in a position of authority or someone with significantly more expertise in a particular area.

The Benefits of Accommodation

There are several benefits to utilizing the accommodation style of conflict management. Firstly, it promotes goodwill and fosters positive relationships. By prioritizing the needs of others, you demonstrate empathy and understanding, which can strengthen bonds and build trust. Accommodation also allows for compromise and collaboration, as it encourages open communication and a willingness to find common ground.

Limitations of Accommodation

While accommodation can be an effective conflict management style in certain situations, it also has its limitations. One major drawback is that it may lead to feelings of resentment or dissatisfaction if one consistently puts their own needs aside. This can create an imbalance in relationships, with one party always yielding and the other always getting their way. Additionally, accommodation may not be suitable for high-stakes conflicts where personal values or principles are at stake.


The accommodation style of conflict management can be a valuable tool in maintaining relationships and fostering collaboration. By prioritizing the needs of others, individuals can create an atmosphere of empathy and understanding. However, it is important to consider the appropriateness of accommodation in each situation and be mindful of its limitations. Finding a balance between accommodation and assertiveness is key to effective conflict resolution and relationship management.